Paw Theory

Can My Dog Eat This? 5 Spring Seasonal Fruits Dogs Can’t Eat 0
Woof! Woof!
It’s spring! The birds are singing, and wind is blowing in North Texas. Yes, we humans love guacamole and lemon in our water. Did you know avocados and lemons are toxic eats for your doggo? Did you know that there are 5 spring seasonal fruits that are Not good for your dog, too?
Dogs and humans metabolize foods differently. We have done our homework, we have identified foods that are safe for humans to eat and toxic for dogs.
Woof! Woof!

Can My Dog Eat This? 6 Spring Seasonal Fruits Dogs Can Eat 0
It’s spring! Trees are blooming, and fruits are of plenty. Yes, we humans love fruit and we know strawberries and mangoes are yummy (especially this time of year). Did you know that there are 6 spring seasonal fruits that are good for your dogs, too? ...your dog will receive the same benefits as us – aids in digestion, antioxidants, immunity boosts, better eyesight, healthier skin and hair.
Woof! Woof!

Your Pet Can Determine Your Personality 0
Did you ever know that your choice of a pet can determine your personality? Yes! Your eyes are reading the correct piece. People are drawn to choose a pet based on their lifestyle choices, personality and what they look for in their life. Yes, by analyzing if you are a cat person or dog person or any other choice of pets you have, you can get to know your reflection easily.- Patricia Salazar

How to keep you dog safe in the spring? 0
Woof. Woof. It’s Spring!
Spring is in the air, everywhere. There is March madness, Easter extravaganza and spring cleaning and more-needed outdoor projects. Before you prepare for seasonal celebrations or outdoor explorations, take note of a few springtime hazards for your pup.
- Patricia Salazar
- Tags: Dog Allergies Dog Care Dog Safety Spring Dog Hazards Spring Toxin

How well do you know your best friend? 0
Woof Woof! Hi! I'm Picasso! I'm here to tell you a little more about us, your best friends! Let me begin with some secrets I bet you don’t know about us: You think my tail wagging is always an invitation for you to pet me more? Not exactly! I wag my tail slightly to the right when I see something that...

How To Keep Your Dog Safe in Summer 0
The most important advice we can give to pet owners is to never leave your pet in the car, especially during the summer. Even when it doesn’t seem that hot outside, and even with the windows cracked, temperatures can rise to dangerous levels in a matter of minutes.- Patricia Salazar
- Tags: dog safety summer