Can My Dog Eat This? 5 Spring Seasonal Fruits Dogs Can’t Eat

Woof! Woof!
It’s spring! The birds are singing, and wind is blowing in North Texas. Yes, we humans love guacamole and lemon in our water. Did you know avocados and lemons are toxic eats for your doggo? Did you know that there are 5 spring seasonal fruits that are Not good for your dog, too?
Dogs and humans metabolize foods differently. We have done our homework, we have identified foods that are safe for humans to eat and toxic for dogs.
Woof! Woof!
Here are some toxic spring seasonal fruits your Doggo Can’t Eat.
1. Avocados: Can’t Eat
Yes, Avocados from the bark to the seed are toxic to dogs. They could cause gastrointestinal irritation.
Symptoms are vomiting and diarrhea in dogs. You see, avocados contain a toxin called persin. Persin is
perfectly safe for human consumption but can be very poisonous to dogs.
What happens if my dog accidentally eats the fruit?
If a dog any part of the avocado, a fluid may accumulate in the dog’s lungs and chest. This can make it difficult for him or her to breathe, which can lead to oxygen deprivation and even death.
There is the possibility fluid can also accumulate in the heart, pancreas and abdomen, which can lead to other fatal complications.
If you doggo eats the fruit, rush them to the nearest vet.
Avoid avocado pits as well. These pits can accidently swallowed, which can cause choking or even a blockage in the digestive tract.
No guacamole for Doggos, please!
2. Lemons and Limes: Can’t Eat
Another yummy fruit we add to our spring-like drinks and ice teas. Lemons and limes can be toxic to your dog.
Why are lemons and limes toxic?
Well, lemon and lime skins contain a substance call psoralen (a drug that is found on citrus fruit). If your canine eats the peel they will begin to show gastrointestinal symptoms like vomiting and diarrhea.
If very large amounts of psoralen are consumed by dogs, more severe symptoms, such as muscle tremors, difficulty walking, liver failure and death, can result.
As for the lemon or lime juice, the high acidity of the juice is also not good. The acidity can disrupt a doggos acid base balance.
Stay away from the bitter lemons and limes!
3. Grapefruit: Can’t Eat
Why can't Dogs Eat Grapefruit?
Grapefruit is toxic to dogs because of the essential oils and psoralens this citrus fruit contains (both of which can be very dangerous to dogs) and should hence not be given to dogs as food.
Most of the times, you can make the assumption that anything with high levels of acidity like citrus is no-go for your pup – anything this acidic should never be given to dogs for consumption, although a few exceptions do indeed exist.
Let’s just say that you make the mistake of feeding your canine grapefruit with the peel and seeds, well now you are just jeopardizing your doggos life. You are just multiplying the toxicity risk frightening levels.
Yes, we as humans love the benefits from eating such an anti-oxidant fruit like grapefruit, while it does not pose as a toxicity risk to, grapefruit should be kept off-limits when it comes to our dogs.
4. Cherries: Limit Intake
Cherries flesh is not harmful and dogs can eat them in moderation. It is the cherry pits that are toxic.
How so? Cherry pits contain cyanide, yes cyanide and is poisonous to dogs when consumed in large amounts. Plus, cherry pits are a choking hazard.
Let’s just say, your pup eats one too many cherries. In this case your doggos will begin to show symptoms starting with an upset stomach followed by diarrhea.
One to two cherries are okay to feed at one time.
5. Apricots: Limit Intake
Another fruit that can be eaten carefully and in moderation are apricots. What makes these fruits somewhat dangerous to doggos is the seed.
Like cherries, the seed contains a small amount of cyanide and is if ingested can lead to harmful symptoms. The cyanide in the seed if eaten in large portions is harmful for your canine.
Limit apricots to one or two and monitor your doggo. Enjoy with caution!
Bottomline, foods that are safe for humans can be harmful to our canine friends. Symptoms that typically follow ingested toxins begin with vomiting. This signals that your dog’s system is trying to eliminate the toxic elements it just ingested.
Common symptoms to watch out for after eating toxic fruits are:
- Diarrhea
- Depression and behavioral changes
- Photo-sensitivity
Tips on the best ways to be proactive:
What to do if your dog ingested something toxic?
1. Consult your veterinarian immediately or call the pet poison hotline, ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center Phone Number: (888) 426-4435
2. Treatment will vary depending upon your dog's symptoms and the type of food he or she was exposed to.
3. You should never treat (like pumping their stomach) or medicate (like anti-acids) a dog unless a licensed veterinarian advises you to do so.
Stay tuned for more…
Woof! Woof!
- Patricia Salazar
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